Emily Coates
Advertising / Social Media / Communications

Bachelor of Communication in Advertising, University of Canberra
​2012 - 2016
The Bachelor of Advertising and Marketing Communication progressively develops skills and techniques required for the rapidly evolving and multifaceted commercial communications industry, with particular focus on strategic brand development, media engagement and cross-platform digital communication supported by a sound understanding of the societal, consumer and creative principles that underpin the practice.
Key Achievements:
High Distinction grade average
Dean's Excellence Award for achieving a GPA of 6.5 or higher during 2014
Dean's Excellence Award for achieving a GPA of 6.5 or higher during 2013
Dean's Excellence Award for achieving a GPA of 6.5 or higher during 2012
Fashion Marketing, Istituto Europeo di Design, Milan
The Fashion Marketing course covers topics such as fashion marketing, marketing intelligence, fashion brand management, digital media marketing, fashion trends and consumption scenarios, fashion systems, communication and advertising, distribution channels, visual merchandising, sales techniques and luxury branding.
Certificate IV in Government, Canberra Institute of Technology
The Certificate IV in Government covers the core competencies requires to work independently in the public sector. I completed this course as part of the graduate program at the Department of Communications.
Year 12 Certificate, Merici College
During my time at Merici, I was a House Captain, House Executive Member, Student Board Member, Volunteer Cross-Age Tutor, and member of the Social Committee.
Key Achievements:
House Captain for Penola House
High Distinction Across Curriculum Award
Dux of Media Studies
Excellence in Media Studies
Excellence in English
Excellence in Business Studies
School Service award for outstanding contribution to college life
School Service award for cross-age tutoring